Django is a Python framework used to develop the web application.Django was invented in 2003, by the web programmers at the Lawrence Journal-World newspaper, Adrian Holovaty and Simon Willison started using Python to build applications. It was officially released in July 2005. The framework was named after the famous guitarist Django Reinhardt. Django has a rich set of the inbuilt library.
when we create the project in our project in Python Django the different essential file to executed (run)the file is created automatically .these essential python files in it.
_init_.Py, admin.Py,,, tests.Py, ,
Django has the Different package in application bundles known as “contribs” package these contribs packages include an extensible authentication system dynamic administrative interface RSS and atom generating tools. For checking cross-site request and scripting, cracking the password and for any type of web, attacks has mitigation that was already built-in Django can support many date base with Apache, NGINX using WSGI, Gunicorn, or Ch0erokee using flap (a Python module).
Django may also be run in conjunction any Java EE application servers such as GlassFish or JBoss. In this case, Django-Jython must be installed in order to provide JDBC drivers for database connectivity
The whole flow chart of Python Django is like that ,
1. First user request for web pages.
2. User request reaches to request middleware. Middleware response the request.
3. The URLs is verified and confirmed by the related views using
4. Upon calling the middleware, it response the middleware.
5. After that view function is Thesaurus.
6. The view optimally retrieves data by models.
7. The manager can create interaction between models and database.
8. View can use a special contest if needed the context is passed to the template for rendering filters and tags are used by the templates for rendering the output can call back again to the view response middleware received the HTTP Response any response middleware exposure the response or it may create (call)the completely new response the response is received back by the user's browser.
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